Imprisonment for Sedevacantism (2)
- Press release: A lifetime in jail for being a Catholic
priest -
(Kirche zum Mitreden, 04.09.2011)
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In the press release "Imprisonment for
Sedevacantism" (May 21st, 2011) it was mentioned that the
Roman-Catholic priest Father Rolf Hermann Lingen (FRHL), Germany,
was put on trial. His crime: He is sedevacantist.
At the end of the first trial day (May 26th, 2011) the judges
heavily stressed that in this trial, any arguments, especially
theological arguments, are strictly excluded. Germany firmly
declares that the V2-sect is the Catholic church; therefore any
other position is illegal and punishable. The judges decided that an
"expert report" shall be made by a member of the V2-sect (the
canonist Thomas Schüller, University of Münster)
concerning the question, whether the V2-sect approves FRHL as a
On Sept. 1st, 2011, FRHL received this report. In short:
1. FRHL's ordination is considered to be valid, i.e. he is
considered to be a validly ordained priest. On his youtube-channel
("sedisvakantist") he published: "Succession: Bishop Alois Stumpfl -
Schismatic / Old-ROMAN-Catholic (*NOT*: Old-Catholic!); Stumpfl
ordained AND consecrated Friedrich Wiechert; Stumpfl ordained AND
consecrated Josef Maria Thiesen; Wiechert ordained Schmitz, Thiesen
consecrated Schmitz. In 1978, Schmitz abjured from the
Old-Roman-Catholic Church, testified by Marcel Lefebvre and Franz
Schmidberger, and became member of the "Society of Saint Pius X"
(SSPX). In 1980, Schmitz became sedevacantist and left the FSSPX. In
1996, he ordained me. IMPORTANT: Thiesen - as priest - converted to
Catholicism. His ordination was considered valid by the Catholic
Church both under Pius XI. and under Pius XII. He was not allowed to
work as a priest in 1926. He received dispense from celibacy in
1942. Later, Thiesen reverted into the Old-Roman-Catholic sect and
was consecrated by Stumpfl."
2. However, FRHL is not approved as a Roman-Catholic priest by the
V2-sect, because he is not a member of the V2-sect. Now he never
claimed to be a V2-priest, on the contrary: His whole life as a
priest, he always openly declares that the V2-sect is not the
church, that he is no member of it and that a V2-member cannot be
Catholic. He sees this public information as his main task and
mission. According to others, FRHL is the most prominent
sedevacantist in the German speaking countries. Several media
reported about him and his sedevacantist position.
The expert report accuses FRHL of several punishable acts, e.g.:
a) FRHL is a schismatic, because he does not recognize Benedict XVI.
as pope. The only argument of the canonist: Sedevacantism is
"abstruse". The canonist ignores the sedevacantist arguments
b) FRHL is a heretic, because he rejects the infallible teaching of
the Church. The only argument of the canonist: The texts of V2 are
infallible, divine and Catholic faith. The canonist ignores the
facts about V2 completely.
Besides, according to the report, there are no information that FRHL
made the required V2-studies, therefore it must be assumed that FRHL
did not made them. As FRHL always proved, he completed the
V2-studies in the V2-academy and -seminary in Chur (Switzerland)
with the diploma (rating: "very good"). The judges emphasized that
FRHL is bound to accept this expert report as the infallible truth.
As a result, FRHL has to declare that a) sedevacantism is absurd, b)
all V2-texts are infallible, c) there is no information that FRHL
made the required V2-studies and it must be assumed that he did not
made his diploma. Every single action against this expert report can
be punished singly. Permanent inobedience can result in permanent
jail. Admittedly, it is possible and maybe even probable that FRHL
is put into psychiatry. However, on the first trial day, some
"expert" for psychiatry declared that all utterances of FRHL
are in itself completely logical and that FRHL is completely
criminally liable. That would make his crime of inobedience even
worse and therefore even more punishable.
Everyone can morally support Germany's extermination war against
sedevacantism by writing to:
Marlies Hampel, Public prosecution department, Zweigertstr. 56,
45130 Essen, Germany, Fax: +49 201 / 803-2920,
Author: Father Rolf Hermann Lingen, Goldbrink 2a, 46282 Dorsten
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