Genocide in Germany

- Mail to traditionalists (and others) concerning the extinction of the church in Germany -
(Kirche zum Mitreden, 06.04.2011)

Hello, now the so-called "Federal Republic of Germany" wants to put me into prison for at least two years (up to four years).
Germany claims that only the group of "Vatican 2" has the right to be called "Roman-Catholic". I openly object to this opinion, therefore I am accused of "abuse of titles".
Note: Arguments - or reality in general - do not count in Germany! According to the indictment against me, I am even a member of the "Vatican-2"-group, although I am not.
In case you want to help me:
Do not bother trying to elaborate theologically that the V2-group is not the Catholic church. Germany knows the "sedevacantist" arguments from my own texts, but simply does not care. The only "argument" against me is that I am alone with my opinion.
You could, however, send a text like this:
Staatsanwaltschaft Essen
Zweigertstr. 56
D - 45130 Essen
Fon: 0 (049) 201 803-0
Fax: 0 (049) 201 803-2920

Concerning case 29 Js 74/08
I hereby declare that the group of "Vatican 2" is *NOT* the Roman-Catholic church.
Nobody is allowed, not to mention obliged to grant the V2-group the rights of the Roman-Catholic church.
Any attempt to force anybody to accept the V2-group as the Roman-Catholic church is completely illegal and void. That would be "a deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of a religious group" ("genocide").
[For more information see website (e.g.  ...)]
Name, date

See also

Please distribute this information. Best regards
Father Rolf Hermann Lingen
Roman-Catholic priest

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