Petition: Allow Catholics (sedevacantists) to confess their faith

- Petition on -
(Kirche zum Mitreden, 05.08.2012)

Petition: Allow Catholics (sedevacantists) to confess their faith

Target: The so-called Federal Republic of Germany

Sponsored by: Pater Rolf Lingen

In the so-called "Federal Republic of Germany", Catholics ("sedevacantists") are brutally forced to approve that the heretical sect of "Vatican 2" with non-pope Ratzinger ("Benedict XVI.") is called the Roman-Catholic Church. Whoever confesses the Catholic faith must expect heavy punishment, ending in bankrupcy and imprisonment.


signatures: 0
signature goal: 1,000
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First signature was made by the author himself, via his facebook-account:

Thus a) the petion is proved as authentic and b) spread via facebook.

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