Federal Republic of Germany guilty
of violating the UN Genocide Convention
- Press release: Appeal to the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) -
(Kirche zum Mitreden, 16.09.2012)
This is a modified version of the petition: "Federal
Republic of Germany accused of crimes against humanity"
On 16 Septembre 2012 both via fax and via mail to:
Office of the United Nations / High Commissioner for Human Rights /
+41 22 917 9022 / petitions@ohchr.org
The so-called "Federal Republic of Germany" (FRG), i.e. every single
responsible FRG representative personally, is guilty of violating
a) UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
The Genocide Convention was adopted by the United Nations General
Assembly on 9 December 1948 as General Assembly Resolution 260. The
FRG accessed to this treaty in 1954 and made it part of the German
penal code (earlier § 220a StGB; now § 6 VStGB). The FRG
is guilty of committing the following acts with intent to destroy a
religious group, i.e. the Roman-Catholic Church:
- Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
- Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated
to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
punishable according Article 2 (b) and 2 (c) of the Genocide
Furthermore, the FRG, i.e. every single responsible FRG
representative personally, is guilty of violating
b) UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child from 1989 was ratified
by the FRG in 1992. By brutally suppressing the Freedom of religion
in general, the FRG is consequently guilty of refusing also the
right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
Thus the FRG heavily violates several Articles of the Convention,
e.g. Article 14: "1. States Parties shall respect the right of the
child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion." E.g. children
in Germany are forced in school to approve that the sect of the
so-called "Second Vatican Council" (V2) is called the Roman-Catholic
Church. And worse: Whoever - and this naturally includes children -
ends his membership in the V2-sect is not allowed to confess his
membership in the Roman-Catholic Church.
As a current result of these crimes against various UN Conventions,
the Roman-Catholic priest Father Rolf Hermann Lingen (the
complainant), Germany, must expect a life imprisonment solely for
confessing the Catholic faith. Already sentenced earlier because of
the same "crime", he now shall be sentenced again, this time once
and for all, because of his obstinacy. The final court hearing shall
take place on Septembre 27th, 2012. The complainant is a so-called
"sedevacantist". Sedevacantism is the position that the Holy See is
vacant since 1958, i.e. since the death of Pope Pius XII. The group
of the so-called "Second Vatican Council" (V2) is *NOT* the Catholic
Church, but an anticatholic sect. Many English websites offer
information on this issue, e.g. "dailycatholic.org" or
"novusordowatch.org". In 1997, the complainant founded a German site
(later address "kirchenlehre.com" - "doctrine of the church") for
which he has already published more than a thousand texts. In short:
The V2-sect does not have the four marks / specific adjectives of
the Church, i.e. one, holy, catholic and apostolic. The Church
infallibly condemned some teachings as heresies, of which some are
mentioned in a "collection" ("Syllabus") by Pope Pius IX. And even
Joseph Ratzinger himself (nowadays sometimes called "Pope Benedict
XVI.") openly declared that the V2-text "Gaudium et Spes" is a
"counter-Syllabus". Regarding all the blasphemies and heresies of
the V2-sect with "inter-religious meetings", "ecumenical worship
services" etc., nobody seriously thinks that the V2-sect is the
Church. The complainant spreads this information confessing that he
- contrary to the V2-"priests" - is a Roman-Catholic priest. The FRG
ignores reality completely and falsely accuses the complainant of
"abuse of titles". Some aspects: 1. The FRG completely violates the
principle "No punishment without a penal law" ("nullum crimen, nulla
poena sine praevia lege poenali"). There is no law at all that
prohibits being Catholic, i.e. sedevacantist, resp. that dictates to
approve a false pope as a true pope. And even if such a law existed,
it would be illegal and void in itself, cf. Pietro Rainalducci. 2.
The FRG completely violates the freedom of conscience. The FRG
forces the citizens to approve the false ideology that the V2-sect
is the Catholic Church. 3. The FRG completely violates the freedom
of the true religion. The FRG absurdly declares that everyone who
rejects the blasphemous V2-heresies is a heretic (contradictio in
adiecto). And as the Church is "Catholic", i.e. "for all", every
actual and potential Catholic is victim of justice of the FRG. 4.
The FRG completely violates the right of a fair trial. In general,
The FRG a) never proves anything of its - notoriously false! -
accusations against the complainant and b) ignores all the proofs,
arguments etc. submitted by the complainant. 5. The complainant has
even openly declared that he will instantly revoke his sedevacantist
conviction as soon as there is a proof that the V2-sect is indeed
the Catholic Church. But the FRG nevertheless does not give any
arguments that the V2-sect is the Catholic church. Instead, it
argues that only the Church has to give any arguments. However, in
the first place, the FRG insists that the V2-sect is the Catholic
church. Thus, the FRG presupposes the exact thing that must first be
proven! To stress this fact again: In all these decades since 1958
the V2-sect could only "argue" that Germany itself claims that the
V2-sect is the Catholic church. The FRG solely points to the
V2-sect, while the V2-sect solely points to the FRG. As a matter of
fact: There is no argument at all but only a circular reasoning. 6.
Contrary to the FRG, the complainant has sufficient knowledge of
both Catholic theology and V2-ideolgy. The complainant was a
V2-"priest candidate" and made his V2-"diploma" with the rating
"very good". Not until at the end of his V2-studies, he became
"sedevacantist" and therefore refused being "ordained" in the
V2-sect. Instead, in 1996, he was ordained by a sedevacantist
bishop: Georg Schmitz, a former member of the "Society of St. Piux
X" (SSPX) of Marcel Lefebvre. 7. Both the FRG and the V2-sect have
tried to declare the complainant to be insane. But the complainant
was not only a good student of V2-"theology" (see above) but already
a good grammar pupil (general qualification for university entrance:
"1.6"). In all the long years of intensive contact with many (high)
members of the V2-sect, he never was considered "insane". Not until
the year 2004, i.e. seven years after the beginning of his
substantial publishing activities, the FRG and the V2-sect suddenly
invented the insanity defamation against the complainant - after
they had proceeded legally against the complainant for already five
years, but could neither prove him wrong nor intimidate him. Abuse
of psychiatry is a standard procedure of the FRG to defame and
ultimately silence critics. Up to now, the FRG engaged two
"psychiatrist experts". In 2005, the first "expert" wrote an "expert
report" that concerning the complainant "there is no indication that
proves a mental illness or makes it probable". The second "expert"
only stated in oral form during a court hearing that all remarks of
the complainant are "in itself completely logical" and that there is
"nothing that excludes or at least reduces any culpability": the
complainant is "completely criminally liable". Why should and how
could you renounce a conviction that is not and cannot be punishable
at all, that has never been proven wrong, that is "completely
logical", while the opposing position has been definitely proven
wrong and is only based on a circular reasoning. Please note: The
question that is dealt with is literally and absolutely a question
of heaven or hell: According to Catholic dogma, it is necessary for
salvation to be Catholic. For comparison: The V2-sect claims that
non-Catholic societies can be a "means of salvation". This
longstanding completely illegal persecution of the complainant
solely for his catholic belief is symptomatic of the justice of the
FRG. According to Catholic standard literature like the "Canon Law"
by Klaus Mörsdorf, the FRG (considering the definite breaking
of the Concordat in 1957) is "lawbreaking", "denatured" and
"schizophrenic". Peter Briody generally states (Germany's flawed
Justice, Dec 28th, 2008): "Germany is operating a system of justice,
whose decisions, due to: the political influence on its judiciaries,
its effective abrogation of the European Convention on Human Rights,
the extremely poor quality of its workmanship, its unconvincing
record in prosecuting perversion of justice, its hugely defective
procedures, can only be classed as extremely unreliable." And the
"United States Court Of Appeals For The Ninth Circuit" granted a
woman from the FRG asylum "because of persecution or a well-founded
fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality,
membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. [This
persecution] was committed by the [German] government or forces the
[German] government was either unable or unwilling to control"
(Appeal No. 02-71841). Because of all these clear facts it is
impossible to deny that the FRG is absolutely and inexcusably guilty
of crimes against humanity.
Q.e.d.: The FRG tries to extinct the Roman Catholic Church
completely. The FRG is committing this crime deliberately and with
full intent. The FRG is completely aware of its lies and of the
violation of the UN Conventions. As mentioned in the complaint
itself (III. Exhaustion of domestic remedies / Application to other
international procedures): "Even the highest courts have several
times declared the extinction of the Church as legal."
Considering the urgency and significance of the matter, namely the
trial on 27 septembre 2012 with a possible lifetime imprisonment,
the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
(OHCHR) must act
Added on the complaint form
Even the highest courts have several times declared the extinction
of the Church as legal. All of these decisions were made when the
complainant was not yet Catholic, and consequently he was not yet
persecuted personally. One decision of the Federal Constitutional
Court was made in 1994 (1 BvR 573/92), when the complainant was a
"priest candidate" of the "Vatican-2"-sect. One decision of the
Federal Court was made in 1993 (XII ZR 51/92), also when the
complainant was a "priest candidate" of the "Vatican-2"-sect. One
decision of the Federal Constitutional Court was made in 1980 (BvR
143/80), when the complainant was a twelve-year-old child nearly
without any knowledge of the Catholic faith at all. And the definite
breaking of the Concordat was declared by the Federal Constitutional
Court in 1957 (2 BVG 1/55), ten years before the author was born.
This decision of 1957 was the definite statement of the FRG that it
will never tolerate, let alone defend the rights of the Church. As a
result, Catholic standard literature of 1958 like the "Canon Law" by
Klaus Mörsdorf states that the FRG is "lawbreaking",
"denatured" and "schizophrenic".
Accordingly, following the legal structure, the complainant was
never granted a right to recourse to courts of law in the FRG.
Instead, his only option would be to suffer consequences.
Nevertheless, on May 8th, 2009 the complainant submitted a petition
to the petition committee of the Federal Parliament, that the
"Vatican-2"-sect is not any more allowed to falsely use the title
"Roman-Catholic". The parliament, however, rejected this petition
with an absurdly shameless circular reasoning: "Only the Church has
to judge what is Catholic, and we declare that the "Vatican-2"-sect
is the Church, so you have to believe that the "Vatican-2"-sect is
the Church!" Besides that this "reasoning" is blatantly illogical,
it is, moreover, heretical, because it is solely based on the
infallible condemned opinion that the Church is subject to the
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