• Gesund und fit im Alter / Meditation
  • March 2nd, 2021 - Silver priest jubilee

    Silver priest jubilee - March 2nd, 2021
    March 2nd, 2021 - Silver priest jubilee

    Bishop Georg Schmitz was highly respected ("Die Gültigkeit der Priesterweihe durch Bischof Georg Schmitz"). When Schmitz was still "old-roman-catholic", he was allowed and even invited to celebrate mass in churches that then were occupied by the group of "Vatican 2". The V2-group even offered him that he could work as a hospital chaplain if he converted to V2. In 1978, Schmitz made his abjuration of heresy, witnessed by Marcel Lefebvre. As a member of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), Schmitz wore both episcopal ring and pectoral cross. In 1980, Schmitz became sedevacantist and left the SSPX. In 1988, Lefebvre was excommunicated. On March 2nd, 1996, Schmitz ordained me. Suddenly the V2-group questioned / denied that Schmitz was a bishop - in order to deny my priesthood. The V2-group even questioned / denied that I was baptized in the V2-group (before "novus ordo") and that I had been a V2-seminarian. They declared it illegal that I mention or show my V2-diploma (video: "Falschgutachten - False Expert Reports"). The V2-group and the German State joined forces with endless absurd lies against me - and I refuted all of it in my public articles and press releases. Therefore I never surrendererd to their legal proceedings and continue my sacerdotal work.